Bridging the Digital Divide (Infrastructures)

The pandemic made more apparent that there is a wide digital divide between the underprivileged community and the more privileged communities when education shifted online. Even with our return to the “new normal”, everything stayed digitalized, and evidently, the youth of the communities can’t keep up. To help the youth in the poor communities keep up with the fast pace of the digital world, GEKKO raised funds (led by Anna Sennelius) for 16 computers (one for each learning center). This effort still continues with the hope to provide more computers for each learning center.
Gekko (through Anna) is also currently working on possible partnerships for programs to help the children learn how to navigate the internet.
GEKKO, led by Kyle Zachary Lee, has collaborated with Plugged-IN in order to teach the students at the GK community in Rusunawa Rawa Bebek (RRB) how to use technological devices such as tablets and computers. GEKKO aims to replicate this class in all the 10 GK communities.
Information Technology Hardware Literacy